Friday, January 30, 2015

Welcome New Viewers

To get a better understanding 
of what my blog is about 
I would suggest that you go to archives
 and start your viewing backwards 
beginning with the very first post
 titled "About Me". 

 Thank you for visiting my blog. 
 It is really intended for neophytes 
of William Samuel's message 
about discovering your own Child Heart, 
identifying with It 
and living by your own wisdom hidden therein. 
 More specifically, it is addressed 
to those who did not have the ideal childhood
 and to encourage you to read William Samuel's books available at Amazon and also from:

Blessings and Love,


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Language of the Heart

 Language of the Heart

Many have voiced their frustration with not succeeding in 'listening to their Heart'.  I wonder if they are perhaps expecting to hear a voice uttering words in their ear!

My personal experience was that glimpses and glimmers were so refreshing, they were and are food for the soul.  I dearly wanted to share but I was also given the good sense to know who I could trust with my precious pearls.  I would struggle for days searching for words that never completely filled the bill.  I did the best I could and would then share with Sandy.  Sandy was such a Sweet Heart, she was the best coach one could possibly ever find.  She cheered me on.  She encouraged me.  She expanded my vision, she supported me in every way.  She soon became my very best friend.

 The  Child Heart is God's Child, we all know this.  What I want to say is that we do not hear the Heart's message in Greek or Latin or French or English or Yiddish.  Love is the language of the Heart and It speaks a language of Love, Truth and Light.  It speaks of beauty, of simplicity, of synchronicity, of the extraordinary found in the ordinary...pure, simple, honest and true!

 I guess an example of this might be a day many moons ago when I was driving through Stanley Park.  (I live in Vancouver, B.C. in Canada and Stanley Park is one of the major attractions here.  And I can tell you that it is a real sanctuary for me.  It is one of my favorite places to feel wrapped up in God's arms and to feel the Presence so intensely, so peaceful and at the same time alive, vibrant and electrifying.)  What I started to say was that I drove through Stanley Park and always have enjoyed it but one day when I was driving through a short one lane portion that is hugged  on both sides by  beautiful tall  huge old trees, I experienced...well here goes the search for words again!...I could say that was when I realized the sanctity of it, it became Paradise lost and found for me!  

The frisky little squirrels  have been so well treated, they are so tame, they climb into your hand for treats.  You can hear the birds sing even though the city noises are very near.  It hugs the Pacific Ocean and it is so scenic that one never tires of it.  It is very well kept and so scenic that I feel lucky to live here right beside it.  One always finds a new treasure with every visit.

I cannot fathom that anyone could walk or drive or bike or roller blade through that beautiful beautiful park and not feel heavenly  peace, calmness, harmony.  To me, that is the language of the Heart.  It is God's very DNA stamped on every living thing!

If you simply be still and open your Heart it will speak to you, show itself to you,it will reveal Its secrets to you.  You will hear it, see it, taste it and feel and know IT!  And writing will certainly preserve and enrich the experience.

  "Little Love Light"

Some time ago I wanted to do a dvd of an exercise that I did with my grandkids to introduce them to The Child when they were about five or six and 7.  It was the youngest one that really got into it. I was not able to do a DVD at that time and that is why I did it in book form as best I could. It is not nearly as effective but better than nothing.  It is called "The Little Love Light".  I had forgotten about it but recently a lovely lady named Elizabeth Lavine got in touch with me.  She told me that that little booklet was how she could feel her Child Heart. Elizabeth is at:  

If you're interested in "The Little Love Light" the little booklet can be found at .

Love to all,


Friday, January 16, 2015

Coming out of the Closet

Coming out of the Closet

Someone wrote me that they too want to 'come out of the closet' but they know now how to do it.

We have all heard that we are God’s Child; we all bear a divine imprint or DNA in our Heart. That that Child is our Heart and Soul, that that intangible aspect of God lives in tangible form in the Heart of each one of us.   That one way to get to know our Child Heart is to remember our happy childhood days .  But some of us did not experience a particularly happy childhood, so where does that leave us?

Of late, I have been led to tell my story that others of like experience might know that they too can uncover the secrets, the wisdom and truth of Light and Beauty and sweetness, absolute tenderness and Love that is hidden in their Heart.  And that is why I “came out of the closet”, so to speak.  I certainly did not mean to imply that everyone should jump up and do the same.  Each of us must follow their own Heart and find their own way.  So, if you are led to ‘come out of the closet’ then  of course, be brave and DO it!  

If you read my previous post about point, line plane and sphere and William Samuel’s article about the Glass Pyramid, you can see that it is pointless to try to ‘convert’ anyone to your way of thinking.  That’s not what I want to do.  And on my previous post about dot, line, plane, sphere, you can see that if you are at the dot level you are not going to understand anything that is said at the line level et al.   By doing the blog, it isn't in everyone's face, all can  choose to read it or not and take from it what they like or reject it and that is fine with me.  And that is why I chose to 'come out of the closet'.  It is like oh, who was it ???  Abraham??? who was asked to put and offer his son on the alter. (that is from the bible, don't know if you're into that but...) I had to trust and be brave and do the 'sacrifice' at all cost.  It is what is demanded of you.  Like in a marriage, there is no 'cheating' allowed!

Yes, we are asked to share our glimpses and glimmers but we do not give our pearls to the swine.  So, if your Heart tells you to 'come out of the closet', then I say Yes Yes Yes...of course you do it but PLEASE do not do it because I did it! 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

More About Me

More About Me 

I have always held privacy clutched close to my heart and very much respected that of others.  Without privacy how can anything be sacred? Opening my Heart now and exposing  myself online is tantamount to a gay person coming out of the closet. 

I was very aware of what the consequences might be yet my Heart was relentless.  There was no hesitation or second thoughts.  The Child held my hand gently yet firmly. (Yes, it WAS so...gently, yet firmly! This  beautiful loving Heart of mine, is not only sweet and gentle, tender and delicate and kind but It swept me off my feet.  It came to me as fearless, valiant and brave, chivalrous and strong, as intrepid, gallant and lionhearted! I had to do it. 

The day I started this blog I was the adult Child innocently walking bare naked into a crowd of strangers. 

In the shadow's realm it is exposing myself to family and friends who do not know me, those who  see only my shadow!  I live between two worlds.  I am somewhat like the President or Prime Minister of a country who uses look-alike's when s/he does not feel safe to make a personal appearance.  Friends and family and strangers who do not see The Child in me are embarrassed, perplexed and perhaps somewhat intimidated - some are angry and throw rocks, some think I'm nuts and walk away depending on where they are located in the Great Glass Pyramid. (previous post) I can  bet that some of them are praying that I might one day "see the light"! 

When I saw a link from William Samuel's website to mine I learned about humility.  (The Child is humbled, the shadow is humiliated). I was deeply humbled.  I felt so blessed, so honoured and not in the least  "puffed up". I also understood - I 'got it' that this is the innocent, immaculate and pure, unconditioned, unencumbered Child's joyful response.  There is no agenda, just a sense of purity and honest pride, a sense of freedom from the troubles of the world.

Now and then there is a difficult test as one cannot simply utter words; one must meet each challenge and learn from it.  Not that I don't know about this road block.  I have fallen into the trap at this juncture before. I am conscious of my attachment to the stigma of poverty.  When one of my wealthy friends rings the knock-knock bell, I still cringe and hope they are not reading the message right below the call button.  I's a dead give-away, giving info of where to apply for subsidized housing.

An annual review of one's financial situation is fair enough but the standard gets more rigid every year and carried on with less and less dignity,  void of good manners and good common sense. You are treated like pigs at the trough. Unlike the legal system where one is innocent until proven guilty, you apparently are less than trustworthy since they already have the information that you have to triple prove. Because I have a little insurance policy and nothing else with one of the banks, I had to appear there in the flesh (walker and all) to get a summary of activity.  Bank statements were provided as required but I have to prove that I do not have an account at the unmentioned institutions.  The bank clerk was puzzled. She couldn't find the policy so I now have an appointment with the insurance department -
more wasted time and another taxi ride to confirm the info that is already before their eyes on the bank statement .  The premiums are deducted monthly from my bank account.   (Exhibit #75!)

I came home feeling angry, disgusted, disgruntled, degraded, humiliated. I had been struggling and ranting and boiling,  having thoughts of 'going public' with this, getting those in similar position to react and rebel and all sorts of revenge and get even and sock it to them ideas!  I finally  quieted down I gave my head a shake and realized that humiliation is the shadow's game. 

All things being said and done it was all nothing but a tempest in a teapot. I am my own Judas.  I betray my Self. It only takes that recognition and the Child comes running back.  Unfortunately, I am very much aware of my obsession with this stigma. I am shackled to/by my pride so I pray for a miracle, that I can let it go and be true to my Self.

So, I am now out of the closet and let the chips fall where they may.  Love will prevail.  Of that I am certain.

I bare my heart and soul to you not to show you how to do it.  I am pointing to the moon; you have to find it for yourself.  And I want the world to know that the Child Heart is reachable, available, waiting for recognition no matter what your circumstances may be.

"I stand at the door and knock." (the Bible)

I love you. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Great Glass Pyramid


The Great Glass Pyramid

(Excerpt from "The Child Within Us Lives"

by: William Samuel

 Years ago someone wrote that all the people on earth, if assembled in one place, standing side by side, would occupy a square mile of land.  They would certainly cover more land than that today, but let us use that square mile for the sake of an illustration that will make a point.  Imagine that all humanity is brought together into a great glass pyramid whose four corners cover a square mile of earth.  The people are standing jammed together like young people at a rock concert inside the great crystal pyramid, all facing the center.

Well now, how would each person describe what he sees as he looks up?  Each one would see the four quadrants of glass coming together at the top.  Let us suppose they can see the stars beyond, including Polaris, the North Star, whose position remains constant, and are asked to give a description of the North Star’s location.  The people along the south wall of the pyramid make different measurements to plot Polaris than do those in the west.  As a matter of fact every man, woman and child would have a slightly different version of the North Star’s location relative to the great glass panels that come to a point above.  Each person represents a unique point of view.

Next, suppose that certain creeds and dogmas about the star’s location developed through the centuries. before worldwide communication linked us all together?  The East-side view of things would certainly differ from the West-side view— similar to the differing religious views in the world today.  Further, most people are too busy with family and other affairs to look up and measure for themselves, so they have grown to accept whatever idea is popular in their own locales.  Can’t we see from this illustration how religious ideas, all pertaining to the same God but seen through the eyes of differing cultures have developed during the centuries before worldwide communication linked us all together.  Man’s personal views of his relationship to Godhead are not unlike the pyramid-people’s views of their relation to the North Star.  Religious ideas generally refer to the Same One, but have their own sets of proofs for validity.  And, in truth, every statement is valid sofar as its measure goes.  Isn’t it strange that some of the world’s religions can perceive this difference and allow for it, while others stand like staunch old pines in the wind, refusing to give any other views an inch, claiming their own perspective is the only valid perspective of the Ineffable?

Can the reader see that all eyes pointing toward the top represent individual “points of view” and “lines of thought”?  If so, let me show in a simple way how powerful subjectivism is—and, remember, subjective thinking is the new wave of things to come for mankind. 

One person, having learned the top-down method of thinking and comprehending—the very basis for subjectivism—is like a person who has broken away from the masses and climbed to the top of the pyramid.  His view is like a great Eye at the top of the pyramid looking down at everyone looking up.  The top-down view includes all the bottom-up views within itself almost simultaneously.  The top-down view if quantum, whereas the bottom-up view is individual.  Such is the advantage of subjectivism and its comprehension that the world exists within Awareness. Subjectivism is to human thought what quantum mechanics has become to physics.  (Today we see the leading edge of science on the brink of discovering the “subjective idea”.  They have found the experiment tied to the awareness observing the experiment.  It is a start!  Science will discover the power of subjectivism before religions does, it appears—and even the metaphysicians who claim to know it already, but don’t know what to do with it.  We guess the scientist will know because his arithmetic will suggest, insist and cause him to “prove”.

Does the Eye at the top quarrel with the opposing views at the bottom?  No.  It understands the basis for the differences of opinion—and understands the holistic reasons for mankind’s behavior.  Oh, but the top-down view would certainly object if one of the groups along the eastern or western wall went to war against its opposite members, in the name of creed, dogma and holy book.

We discover the Child within.  The Child takes us (more or less) quickly to the top of the pyramid to the View that includes all views within Itself.  Down on the sandy floor of the pyramid extremism, on the defense (or promulgation) of anyone’s holy book and/or bottom-up view of the Ineffable, causes men in black to make strange utterances in the name of localized views of God and to call for holy wars that could destroy civilization.  On the floor, one hopes that won’t happen.  From the top, one sees that something must happen among the warring, unloving throngs to call attention to the Child’s too-down View that understands and forgives.  The prophets have all said to look up willingly--or be forced to look up in an awful Armageddon.

Two thousand years ago, Christianity came along to say, “Let that mind be in us which is also in Christ…” (the subjective view of things) but see how Christianity’s dogmatic creeds are warring among themselves.  Whatever happened to the Child’s View that Jesus and others gave their lives to tell about?

We get the top-down view and live it on the sandy floor of life, right here in the objective view of thing.  How?  We find the Child within ourselves and run with it.  We publish peace (our own knowledge of this Child within) as we have been admonished to.  We finally understand the exclusivity and arrogance of unyielding creeds and dogmas that discourage the individual’s climb to the top of the pyramid.  We see why the objective views have labeled subjectivism “silly solipsism.”  And subjectively, from the top;, we see that “ONE WITH God is a majority.”  The world unfolds within the subjective conciousness.