Friday, December 30, 2016

The Contradistinction called Death
(by William Samuel)
An understanding of the "principle of contradistinction" allows for the unravelling of a number of mysteries and the tying together of loose ends of metaphysical truth.  While our understanding of this principle is not a prerequisite for arrival, it helps us comprehend why we are already there.  Also, it is a means by which the enigma of 'death' can be comprehended "this side of the grave."  So I will use it in the following discussion of Life's contradistinction, called "death."
When we see the corn pulled in the Fall and watch the stalks turn brown in the Winter wind, we do not think of the death of "corn."  Rather, we consider corn in its totality and know that Winter is not the time of growing.  When Summer comes we see the corn standing tall again in the sunshine, swaying in an August wind.  It is corn from the harvest of the year before that is still growing green-in another row, perhaps; in another corner of the field.
So, what is this matter of 'death'?  What is the much ado over it?  Why is it an '"enemy"?  We end the enemy by no longer judging it to be an enemy.  We end the appearances of certain other things by ending the judgements that called those appearances bad.
The statement "the last enemy to be destroyed" labels the appearances as an enemy.  But listen, listen:  it is one thing to see the valuelessness and powerlessness of death and call it a dream.  It is quite another to look on the event and see it as neither enemy nor friend.

When we stop limiting awareness to just the "tangible" purview of Eternity and admit to the possibility of the intangible (as the other half), we no longer see things as beginning and ending, as having birth and death.
In the Winter when the kernel of corn is stored in a bag in the seed house, the full being of corn is there yet.  Tangibly speaking, it is in miniature compared to the Summer way of looking at corn, but it is all there.  If we had an internal way, a Winter way of introspectively looking within the kernel, we would find the corn right there as before, without having come to an end.
In much the same way, the human view of existence is a half-view, an incomplete, male or female view, a rich or poor, right or wrong, good or evil, dead of alive view...but the a half view, nonetheless; only a partial view.  Uninhibited, unlimited, unbound awareness is a complete view, a whole view, a Winter and Summer view combined.  Awareness views "as a tree in paradise wherein the leaves do not fall in Winter of Summer." (Thomas)
There seems to be an internal and external view of the kernel of corn-a Summer and Winter view.  Humanity is geared to the Summer view exclusively--the external view, the good-bad, male-female, real-unreal, relative-absolute, dead or alive perspective.
There is another perspective: the whole view, the centered view, the transcendent view.  This is the perspective of uninhibited, unpossessed, uncontained Infinite AWARENESS-I!  Who says we are bound to the male outlook or the female outlook because "we were born that way?  Who says we see everything as either good or bad because that is the nature of the beast?  Who says Identity is either enlightened or unenlightened, expanded or unexpanded, developed or undeveloped, awake or sleeping?  Who is twisting our arm and making us continue those beliefs?  Not God, not Reality, not Wholeness, not Allness, not Awareness!
We stop identifying as half the pendulum's swing, as half of All.  Awareness (Identity) is COMPLETE.  We stop thinking of ourselves as male, female, good, bad, enlightened, unenlightened, awake or sleeping.  We do not have to think in that sense at all.  We simply look--watch--behold--be: and find our former view of Life with its apparent contradistinction (death) appearing in new perspective.
And so, our valiant Heart
Just keeps on singing Its Love Song
Its mournful passages and its joyful ones
All within the Symphony of Life
And there is no death
Only Love that God Is!
Love from my heart to your heart (One Heart)


                             Pain and Suffering

 Suffering, pain and anguish bring all together in the heart.  When we observe others... brother, sister, mother, father, son, daughter... friend or foe... in deep sorrow, the heart opens to a universal language called love and we become our brother's keeper.  Their pain moves us beyond ourselves to an unselfish love; their pain becomes our pain and we would do anything in our power to comfort them.   The petty judgements (lies) that have caused division melt away and only love (Truth) remains.  The pain of others awakens the Mother (Love) in us, it puts us in touch with our heart and soul. In that moment where love is pure there is no enemy, the heart is all-inclusive.  Love begets love.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

My Child Heart

The little girl within me searches not to comprehend
   She trusts Life and adapts to different situations.

   She welcomes the New Day as the most beautiful  present!
 She delicately embroiders with words from her heart...
 Her behavior at times unbecoming of the Adult    before her.

 The child is a model of Faith in Life...
He has the gift of easily building
 a world in his/her own image!
 A world where the Knight comes 
to rescue his Princess...
A world akin to Eden...
From there he finds his Grand Power
 to meet sometimes intolerable situations!

 He is still  in possession of the Grand Secrets of the Universe
and he relies with all confidence on his Guardian Angel! 
He chooses to BELIEVE in spite of much evidence to the contrary..
.He is starey-eyed when we speak of Santa Claus
 and would love to bury his nose in his soft white beard!
He still believes that the Bird sings just for him! 
That the brook invites him to wet the tips of his toes
and  contains a million wonders!
 A dog is his great friend
and the Man saws logs on the Moon while he sleeps and dreams of angels!
 He believes that ALL IS POSSIBLE

When I take the time to rediscover that 'little girl' in me...
I reunite with her deep essence...
I reconnect myself with her dreams
and I run with her to meet the POSSIBLE...
this way I do not get tangled up in my many beliefs
 accumulated with the thread of time
 and with my experiences! 

I cease using only my 'intellect' and live with my heart also!
As this 'little girl', I stop relying on appearances.
 I rely  on her graciousness and just like her....
I affirm with conviction that I can TURN THE WORLD AROUND! 
At least, I can make my little corner of the World better!
As a child, I go in search of treasures hidden in my SOUL...
I am Enthusiasm, Faith and Joy of Life! 
Tenderly, I observe her and I ask the Universe to transmit 
 her Vitality and her Energy to me!

Yes, I rediscover my child heart
and I cast an "illumined" eye on all that  asks for nothing
but to come out of the shadows! 
I turn myself into a "magic" caress and whisper:
I LOVE YOU AS 'BIG...BIG..BIG...' like the World, 
the Moon and the Stars!

(Translated with permission from
Jovette Mie)

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

This excerpt has been posted before
but it is such an important one
I thought it right to go into the New Year with it.

Happy Fruitful Joyful 2017 to all
the gentle hearts who do me
the honor of visiting my pages.
Please feel free to leave comments
or write me a note.
I would be happy to receive your 
comments, questions or 
request a topic.

Rose Burrows

The latest posts are from an old website. 
If this appeals to you,  I have
more old website articles that
I could share as well.

Excerpt from audio tape: "Springtime in Alabama"
(A William Samuel 1968 Talk)
...Well, listener, listen to this, see if there is any truth in this statement. The value in any message of truth is in direct proportion to that message's insistence that we turn within and discover for one's self the message, the divine identity that has ever been all one is. The honesty of any truth message, be it Buddah  or Goldsmith or Jesus, or Sambo's or the board of director's or the pope's or the president's, lies in the statement that the truth is in one's self and IS one's Self.
  We were talking bout the honest message, the honest truth message. The honest truth message, as we said, lies in one that turns one to discover himself within, one that turns one within where the real discoveries are made, to turn within to the secret place, to the holy of holies, to the Shekinah and there find the true message. The beauty of such a message, it seems to me, lies in its fulfilling the function of way showing, but doing it void of theory, void of speculation or commentary and it's a message that doesn't bind the seeker, it doesn't induce guilt nor encourage the veneration of the messenger or the messenger's words. The childlikeness of such a message encourages one to find the beauty and power and the wonder of his own words and to express the discovered life within. Such is the work the Child does. The place is within. The place is within, within Consciousness, the place is within this very Awareness that listens to these words. It is not in any scientific metaphysical system and it isn't in the semantic games we play with the words of others. If, as is the case with nearly all organized theology, the message speaks primarily of healing and demonstrations and of altered states of consciousness, and all of those peripheral events, such a message can be as stultifying and misleading as it is helpful. Therefore, it isn't worthy of identity. Ultimately, we have done with following the messages of others to become the finder or our own Messiahship, we find our own message. Salvation lies in this action and in no other. The first freedom and the last freedom lie in self-discovery. That discovery is immaculate, untouched by anyone else. It is a virgin discovery and recognition of deity within and without. Any message that has one following a personal leader or teacher for anything longer than is absolutely necessary to find the authority that one himself is, is a distorting, thwarting teacher.
  I'm not saying that we don't follow the instructions of others, that we don't read or listen to others, that's what we're doing right now, for goodness sakes, but the ones to listen to are the ones who tell us that the messenger lies within and that we go there to find it. Those who speak of levels of awareness, of states and stages of consciousness, of spiritual hierarchies, as though they were outside one's very own awareness right here and now, are liars from the beginning. Their teachings confuse the world with false hope and robe the innocent with false pretence. We are done with that to find the word that is nigh thee, even in thy mouth and in thy heart.  

I've been told by those who first heard these words, "I can't believe there's much wisdom in me, I can't believe that my message is the message,” 'and yet everything that one does is predicated on his own words. The words that one believes most fervently are his own words. But, since when does Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence need messengers with messages that point to themselves rather than God and that's what we're turning to when we don't turn to the self within. Where is the leader that is needed to teach the sparrow out there the song imprinted in its heart? Why, those little birdlings are born and shortly they're singing and where was the messenger needed? And where is the teacher that teaches the seed how to grow, or the azalea here how to bloom? Where is the angelic leader and minister who exhorts the bud to open and give its fragrance to the earth? Who teaches the animals to prepare for a winter that they have no knowledge of, no intellectual knowledge of. Why must man, of all creatures, why must man insist on ignorance until he has studied system after system after system after system, finally..finally, only to surrender from the anguish of all of it and when he surrenders from the anguish of all of it he is quick to awaken to the wisdom that is already himself....


Sunday, December 25, 2016


Someone wrote me:  "...I probably need a ‘kick-start’ and a re-booting to get started and all will be well again..."

The reply came to me as follows:
 ...From my own living experience, I know that when I come to a fresh new view, a new understanding, I am so contented I want to be like the old dog on my 'Contentment' page, I want to take my 'retirement' and let the world go by and just lean on the fence post because the peace I feel is so complete that nothing can be added or removed from it.  The joy in my heart is so satisfying that I seem to have 'arrived' but I never get to just stay there...I am pushed...always pushed on to greater heights ... and kicked if I refuse to move!  

   It is somewhat like my experience with the computer.  I am not enamored with computers; the technical aspect is not my forte. I love what the computer can do for me but I wish it was as simple as driving a car.  I do not have to be a mechanic to drive my car  but the computer insists that we have a two-way communication.  "Garbage in/garbage out" is its constant refrain!  I must get it right and it isn't at all forgiving!  The darned computer is so insists that I be in tune with it but it keeps reinventing itself and I have to keep up with it or I become helpless... impotent.  And so I bend and learn what I must and as soon as I'm once more competent enough to do what I want to do, there is sure to be an update, an upgrade, seemingly a more sophisticated way, a better way or perhaps even a simpler way to accomplish my work, or it is the added thing.  I have no choice; reluctantly, I put my shoulder to the task but it never lets me rest...there is always a new mountain to climb.  

 It is very much like the spiritual quest.  Is that because this tangible world is the moving light that flickers and dances and is never still, ever wandering, trying to get home to Still Light that actually contains it and is everywhere present? Still Light has no place to go because it is all and therefore it is always here where I am and is perfectly peace.
Having wandered away from home we know what home is by knowing what it is not via a process of knowing and unknowing.  As William Samuel said: "Bill Tuesday is not Bill Wednesday..."   What we learn one day we are forced to unknow the next day as we move on from glory to glory!  It's better than a trip around the world!
    And so, Charlie, here you go!  Consider yourself kick-started and re-booted!

Loving Light to all of you,
Rose Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...

Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much
seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Saturday, December 24, 2016



A boy is  Truth with dirt on its face

Beauty with a cut in its finger

Wisdom with bubble gum in its hair

And the hope of the future

With a frog in its pocket


Friday, December 23, 2016

The Lord is my programmer, I shalt not crash...
He installed His software
on the hard disk of my heart....
All of His commands are user-friendly...
His directory guides me to the right choices for
His names sake....
Even though I scroll through the problems of life,
I will fear no bugs, for He is my backup...

His password protects me...
He prepares a menu before me
in the presence of my enemies...
His help is only a keystroke away.....
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me
all the days of my life,
and my file will be merged with His and
saved forever.......

Excerpt from audio tape: 
"Sufficiency and Identity"
(Talk by Wm. Samuel)

...All right, about supply.  Every problem that humanity faces is a supply problem.  The term supply is a word that is used over and over by metaphysicians and by philosophers.  It would be a much more understood word if we simply said the need that appears necessary, the needs of humanity.   But, in any event, using that term ‘supply’ every problem is a matter of supply, not enough money, not enough job, not enough health, not enough companionship or too much money, too much loneliness, too many pounds, too many demands, too many obligations, too many worries.  Every problem mankind faces or has ever faced comes down to the question of needs, of supply: not enough or too much. Well, humanity understands that term ‘need’, he’s always speaking of needs and necessities, necessities being needs that he can’t do without.
Jesus pointed out one of the secrets of supply in his admonition to take no thought what you shall eat, to take no thought.  He also said: “It is your Father’s good pleasure to give to you the kingdom.”  He said: “whatsoever things you need, your Father knoweth of them even before you ask.”  He said: “take no thought”, then he asked the question: “who, by taking thought can add one inch to his stature?”  The question arises, how does one go about taking no thought.  How does one go about taking no thought?  How is it possible to remain free of thought concerning pressing obligations, especially when it would seem that a lack of thought might be all it takes to overlook something or to fail to do something that is necessary, maybe to run a business or to make the proper investment here, with inflation rampant. 
Well, how does one go about taking no thought?  I have a here a letter, it says: “Isn’t it difficult to remain free of thought at a time like this…” and the time like this in the letter was described as an awful mess with the prime interest rates so very high and the ability to buy a home and to find the money for it and so forth.  The ability to take no thought lies …and listen please, listen gently…the ability to take no thought lies in one place only, in the acknowledgment of one’s identity.  Well, how so…how so?  Well, listen again.  Just as quickly as one acknowledges the fact of identity, that identity is awareness itself, awareness, life itself, and awareness only, then and not until then he finds it possible to stop the thinking, the planning, and the calculating done by the one who professes to own awareness.  Awareness itself, awareness, life itself, is the identity of you and me.
Now, one of the other things we know about supply, about casting bread upon the waters…

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Excerpt from Monterey Seminar - Tapes 1, 2, 3

by William Samuel

...Now, I want to tell you about a seed.  Jesus—everybody that I know has used an illustration with a seed in it and so I will too.  Imagine yourself a seed, and suddenly you are sown in fertile ground, you’re in the sperm where tangibility is—that’s what we mean by this world, the arena of tangibility where the intellect is quite necessary.  The intellect is that part of awareness that weighs and measures and knows how to go up and down steps and read books, and knows what book to take from the shelf and whom to listen to and whom not to listen, what strikes a chord and what doesn’t, all that’s part of the intellect, pertaining to tangibility, the delineation of tangibility, heaven.


All right, so imagine yourself a seed and there’s a divine discontent within, a something that knows that there is a greater state of being and that greater state of being is already included within the seed.  They tell me that if you look inside an acorn you can see the whole tree, complete with limbs and leaves and roots and everything, just the way it’s going to grow and I’ve been told that and read it in so many different things that apparently, it’s so, inside the seed is the plant, it’s there in minute form, an embryonic thing, but it’s there, limb for limb, just like it’s going to grow.


All right, now here you are a seed, the Divine discontent—you’re searching, about the business of just being, what’s the first thing the seed does?  It gives, it doesn’t get from anything anywhere, it gives, and what does it give?  It reaches in to that minute little bit of tangible substance it has within its shell.  It doesn’t give platitudes, it doesn’t say to the world, read Emerson or—it gives part of its own tangible being, it gives its dollars enclosed within that case out to tangibility, out to what seems to be meaningful in its experience, like Bill’s church is meaningful in a lot of experiences and is the ground in which many seeds are taking root.  And the seed reaches in and it doesn’t give somebody else its substance either, and it doesn’t give just service—service, wash the windows and erase all the graffiti out of it, it gives tangibly.  But what happens when it does?  Think of the miracle—now I’m being simple, all of you have done this and you’ve all walked through the woods, what happens?  The earth, not just a little pot of ground, the earth gives back to that little hair root, be it twenty-five cents, a dollar…


Beautiful Mind
Written in 1955

It’s early in the morning and my “beautiful mind” calls me to the computer to write.  It’s not necessarily when I wanted to write, but the creative muse is calling and I answer the “call”.  The movie “A Beautiful Mind continues to ‘work’ me a week after I’ve seen it and I wanted to highly recommend it to you.
Not one person I have spoken to has received the same message from this film.  That, to me, is a great indicator of the “teaching tool” that it is.  For it is when everyone receives what he or she needs that you know you have been in the presence of a true teacher.

I don’t want to give the movie away so will be brief in my sharing of it.  I will say that it is the true story of John Nash, who won the Nobel Prize for his theory on Equilibrium.  Equilibrium is of course a state of even balance.  Nash’s theory has been used in board-rooms, corporations, countries and no doubt in your own life in mediation and bringing groups into win/win for years.  What a divine paradox that a man labelled “schizophrenic” would discover or really recover the theory of balance.  I find it awesome that this film has come out at this time, as there is so much need for “balance” on the planet.

One of my great mentors taught me many years ago about the high price one pays for their addiction to extremes.  Extreme, according to Mr. Webster is “outermost, most remote, last, violent (e.g. pain), marked by excess, and even goes so far as to say “the end,” I think we all can agree that we are living in “extreme times”.  We must all take responsibility for the creation of “extremists” (one ready to use extreme measure) on the planet as we have the extreme within each and every one of us.  A friend told me recently that she had read how the Taliban had been raised, and that a lot of them were orphans and were raised by men without any women present.  Many of the men raising them were orphans themselves.  There was an article in one of the large newspapers in September about “what makes a terrorist” and it said, “terrorists despise the ordinary”.  I found this fascinating, as “the ordinary” is what has been “learning me”, these past few months.

Ordinary, according to Mr. Webster, is what is “usual; of common rank; plain and undistinguished”.  We have somehow come into a time when the ordinary and usual is not exciting enough and we crave the extraordinary and unusual.  Home making has become unfashionable and kids everywhere are raising themselves, and each other, I might add.  This is not to say that I am for or against working families.  I am merely presenting what I see.  I do see that in our addiction to the “extreme” and in wanting to “have it all” we have dismissed the ordinary as unimportant.  One movie reviewer even called “A Beautiful Mind” tedious!! Asleep to the sweet, slow unfolding of a story, this poor soul missed the beautiful and ordinary message of a movie without guns (almost) and sex.

I too was addicted to the extraordinary, and into being and proving my uniqueness and attempting to “make my mark in the world”.  Anorexia is going to the extreme for sure and in reflecting on my journey through it I see the many choices I made along the way which lead to my ultimate extreme and near “end”.  Now, in looking back I see the gradual unfolding of my addiction.  There is a divine paradox to everything and with anorexia the “authorities” will tell you that one of its reasons for manifesting is that the person does not wish to be seen.  I will tell you that the “extreme” opposite is at work here and the person has a high longing to see and be seen.

To “see” according to Mr. Webster is “to perceive with understanding”.  And of course “understanding” means “to know thoroughly” and I might add “without judgement..”  Michele Cassou, author of Life, Paint and Passion says “we must look on each painting with eyes of the Mystery, rather than eyes of judgement”.  I say let’s substitute the word “everyone” for the word “painting” and by God I think we’re on to something!!!  Could “balance” be seeing everyone and everything with eyes of the Mystery??? If our curiosity and perception were opened to the ordinary, in the same way that we pay attention and stay awake for the so-called extraordinary, would a healthy balance spread over the planet??  In taking time to “know thyself” we come to “know” others.  Labels are thrown out and we come to SEE the uniqueness of each and every being on the planet.  As I have come to rest in the still quiet and ordinary moments I have come to see my own unique gifts and talents, and that has awakened my passion to assist others to SEE (and act) on theirs too.

Serendipity’s Backyard is the “ordinary place” I came to find my extraordinary self.  When I quit climbing the “corporate ladder” and sat on what felt like the bottom rung for several years, (losing money, walking to work at an ordinary bookstore in a sleepy ordinary town,) I came to see how extraordinary it really is to slow down.  I also came to appreciate living in such a beautiful, unique and extraordinary village.  I am forever grateful to this town, its people, its nature, its four-legged, finned and winged ones.  May we preserve and protect its simplicity and ordinariness as we move forward in the spirit of “progress”.

Blessings and may your beautiful mind call you to see the beauty in all things as the magical time of spring unfolds.

Friday, December 16, 2016


William Samuel
   Years ago someone wrote that all the people on earth, if they were assembled in one place standing side by side would occupy only a square mile of land. Well they would certainly cover more land than that today. But let us use that square mile for the sake of an illustration that will make a point.  
Imagine in your mind’s eye that all humanity is brought together into a great glass pyramid whose four corners cover a square mile of earth. Now these people are standing jammed together like young people at a rock concert, inside the great crystal pyramid. And all of them are facing the centre. Well now how would each person describe what he sees as he looks up? Well each one would see the four quadrants of glass coming together at the top. 

Now let us suppose that they can see the stars beyond including Polaris, the North Star whose position remains constant. And these people are asked to give a description of the North Star’s location. Have you got that? Everybody inside a big glass crystal pyramid. They are looking beyond. They look up and they see the North Star and they are asked to describe its location. Well those who stand in the east of the pyramid would make different measurements to plot Polaris than do those who are in the west. As a matter of fact everyone down there, every man, woman and child would have a slightly different version of the North Star’s location relative to the great glass panels that come to a point up above them. Therefore each person within this great glass pyramid represents a unique point of view. 

Now next suppose that certain creeds and dogmas about the star’s location have developed through the centuries. The east side view of things would certainly be different from the west side view. Similar to the differing religious views we have in the world today. Further, most people are too busy with family and other affairs to even look up and measure for themselves so they have grown to accept whatever idea is popular in their own locales. There is an eastern pyramid view of thought. A western, a northern, and a southern view of thought.
 Well now can you not see how religious ideas, all pertaining to the same Polaris, the same God but seen through the eyes of different cultures have developed through the centuries? Well now we have worldwide communication that is linking us up and we are beginning to see these strange differences. That the Muslim has a point of view. That the Christian has a point of view. And the Jew still another point of view.  
Man’s personal views of his relationship to Godhead is not unlike the pyramid, people’s view of their relationship to the North Star. Religious ideas generally refer to the same one. To the same God. To the same ineffable. But each one has its own sets of proofs for validity. And in truth every statement is valid. That is every statement about Godhead is valid so far as its major goals. Is it not strange that some of the world’s religions can perceive these differences and allow for it while others stand like staunch old southern pines in the wind refusing to give any other point of view an inch. Claiming that their own perspective is the only valid perspective of the ineffable.  
Oh my,  just recently a storm blew through here and it twisted so many pines. Tops right off. Staunch unyielding points of view. We see that all eyes pointing to the top, looking up at this pyramid, represent individual points of view. Individual lines of thought.
That is if everybody is looking right up at the point of the pyramid and there is a great eye there at the top looking down. The top-down view includes all of the bottom-up views. The top-down view is quantum. Whereas the bottom-up view is individual.  
Now so let me show in a simple way how powerful subjectivism is. Now the new wave of things happening in the world now is this subjective view. Subjective thinking is the new wave of things that is to come for mankind. Well now just one person down there having learned the top-down method of thinking and comprehending, which is the basis for subjectivism, is like a person in that glass pyramid who has broken away from the masses and he has climbed up to the top of the pyramid. He is up at the very peak. Now his view is like a great eye at the top of the pyramid. And up there he is looking down at everyone who is looking up. The top-down view includes all of the bottom-up views within itself almost simultaneously. That is if everybody is looking right up at the point of the pyramid and there is a great eye there at the top looking down. The top-down view includes all of the bottom-up views. The top-down view is quantum. Whereas the bottom-up view is individual.  
Now this is the advantage of subjectivism and its comprehension that the world exists within awareness. Subjectivism is to human thought what quantum mechanics has become to physics. Today we see the leading edge of science on the brink of discovering the subjective idea. They have found that the experiment is tied to the awareness that observes the experiment. Well that is a start. Today we have science backing into God. Discovering God and afraid to admit. Afraid that their own colleagues will criticize them for admitting that they have backed into a totally new marvelous top-down view of things.  
Science will discover the power of subjectivism I think before religion does. And certainly before so many of the metaphysicians who claim to know it already but they do not know what to do with it. We guess the scientists will know because his arithmetic will suggest and then insist and cause him to prove. Prove me now herewith.
Well now does the eye at the top quarrel with the opposing views at the bottom? No it understands the basis for the difference of opinions. And it understands the holistic reasons for mankind’s behaviour.
Oh but the top-down view would certainly object if one of the groups along, let us say the eastern or the western wall went to war against its opposite number over on the other side in the name of a creed or a dogma, or holy book.  
Down on the sandy floor of the pyramid extremism in the defense or the promulgation of anyone’s holy book, and or bottom-up view of the ineffable causes man in black to make strange utterances in the name of localized views of God and a call for holy wars that could destroy civilization. 
So what do we do? We discover the Child within ourselves. And that Child takes us more or less quickly to the top of the pyramid. To the view that includes all views within itself. Down on the sandy floor of the pyramid extremism in the defense or the promulgation of anyone’s holy book, and or bottom-up view of the ineffable causes man in black to make strange utterances in the name of localized views of God and a call for holy wars that could destroy civilization. Now on the floor of the pyramid one hopes that will not happen. But from the top one sees that something must happen among the warring unloving throngs to call attention to the Child’s top-down view that understands and forgives.
Well the prophets have all said, to a man, to look up; to look up willingly, or be forced to look up in some kind of a personal anguish, personal Armageddon.  
Two thousand years ago Christianity came along to say let that mind be in us which is also in Christ. Which is the subjective view of things. But just look how Christianity’s dogmatic creeds are warring among themselves.  Not just Christianity but all of the religions. They are all warring among themselves. What ever happened to the Child’s view that Jesus and others gave their lives to tell about? We get the top-down view. And then we live it down on the sandy floor of life right here in the objective view of things.
How do we do that? Well we find the Child within ourselves and we run with it. It is the Child within ourselves that breaks away from the masses and climbs that glass pyramid and says I want to see what everybody is looking at, I want to go up and see it for myself.
We find that Child. It is in us. It is here. Right now. And then we run with it. We publish peace. That is we tell people of our own knowledge of this Child within. Just as we have been admonished to do.
We finally understand the exclusivity and arrogance of unyielding creeds and dogmas that discourage the individual's climb to the top of the pyramid. We see why the objective views have labeled subjectivism silly solipsism. And subjectively from the top we can see that one with God is a majority. And so the world unfolds within. Subjective consciousness within this divine awareness. It is us right here right now. Listening to and being these words.