Tuesday, May 23, 2017

William Samuel

Light dawns on wings of angels. This morning the angels 

sing of "Not Guilty" as the mysteries of alcoholism are 


Childish is the delineation of childlike and the alcoholic 

is  the childish one who never grew up. He didn't want to 

be an adult, he did not want to take on the responsibilities 

of the adult because his heart knows that is not his role. 

He is the Child and he wants to be the Child who doesn't 

have a care in the world. He drinks to kill the pain of 

separation from his Child Heart. The booze gives him a 

false sense of freedom as is observable by his 

irresponsible behavior. The alcohol-induced sense of 

freedom is like the tree's shadow that struggles and 

strives daily for its survival. It is the shadow that leads to 

the tree. The booze sedates him and for some time he 

feels even nearer to this Child Heart but he's afraid of 

losing it because, since what he feels is artificial, it will 

pass...so he keeps on drinking to try to hold on to but 

only drinks himself into oblivion with the excesses.

Alcoholism is rooted in the tree of good and evil and is 

ladden with the pairs of opposites. The husband and wife 

in this drama are the two that are one, there is a 

perpetrator and a victim and one cannot operate without 

the other. How can there be a perpetrator without a victim 

or a victim without a perpetrator, yet each one is 

responsible for his own drama. One can hide under the 

guise of victim. It gets him/her a lot of sympathy and 

attention, he/she can hold center stage...s/he is so 

innocent and his/her life would be just so wonderful if 

only s/he would  quit drinking and make him/her feel 

good...Typically, the victim of the alcoholic's stubborn 

attitude wants so desperately to hang on to his victim 

role...s/he is not comfortable standing on his/her own two 

feet and taking charge and responsibility for his/her own 

life. It's an easy way out to blame his/her partner...saves 

him/her from  having to look at his/her own bucket of 

crap, clever way to be deceitful, to have his cake and eat 

it too. 

Each is a master at distortion and can turn the clearest 

picture into a carricature (which it is in the first place!) It 

is childish making childlike plain.

In an 'enlightened' world, the parent's role is to KNOW 

the Child and to love the Child but if that parent does not 

know his/her own Heart then s/he cannot be a parent 

because s/he is looking 'out there', in the world of many 

to beloved...not to love but to BE loved. If the parent 

doesn't know s/he IS already IT then the parent doesn't 

have it and the child doesn't have it and everyone is 

looking to everyone else for love...She looks to the child 

and the child looks to her...where the heck is it going to 

come from? The alcoholic is the child who didn't grow up 

because, his parents have not discovered their own child 

heart. The circle continues until one is brave enough to 

go through the adult stage because that is where he will 

find that he not only knows but he will know that he 

knows his own Heart,his Real Identity, the One and Only 

Love that Is. This is the process and we are the process. It 

is much less painful to go through the pain of adulthood, 

of opening the heart and finding the child than to live in 

an endless circle of lies.

I don't see any way around it, do you?

Peace comes when the visible world reconciles the pairs 

of opposites, when we see them as the two that are one. 

And finally, the tangible world is the means by which the 

intangible One is made plain. The childish adult is what 

makes the innocent, joyful Child visible and clear upon 
the tables. And so I thank the childish alcoholic, I thank 

the drunk forgetting down to the pits of hell of guilt and 

worthlessness, to be so helpless that I see by contrast the 

power and Reality of Beautiful Eternal One, Love and 

Beauty and Wonder of Joy and Peace. And now I don't 

need him anymore and call him/her by his/her new name. 

Oh, Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, 

there is no guilty one.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Sweet Symphony of Life
Rose Burrows

Life is One All-inclusive Symphony, a Perfect, Harmonious Symphony with an infinite repertoire of jubilant joy and sweet sorrow and all the nuances therein.  The Symphony does not discriminate against, nor is it intimidated or disturbed by its sorrowful parts.  It does not ignore the passages that sing of anguish and pain, or to the agony of loss.  It does not try to silence them or to pretend they are something other than what they are.  It plays them with as much heart and gusto as it does its light and happy, glorious and triumphant parts.  It is all One wondrous Symphony echoing the Sweet Wonder that is Life.  The lonesome violin reaches the depths of the soul and opens the Heart to its deepest feelings...not to make judgments of good and evil but simply to feel and to let Be.  The most tender and loving parts of the Divine Symphony, in fact, sing of the sweet sorrow, of anguish so rich and so deep, it reveals the delicate beauty of God's Love.

Outside is inside and inside is outside.  It is as the symphony tuning its instruments before the concert.  Though the tuning appears to be outside the symphony, the sounding of false notes is not outside.  Symphony knows ALL of Itself by knowing what it is and what it is not...it knows all this within Its Own Self- Its Own Self-Revelation.  Symphony does not condemn itself, it does not condemn its false notes, it strikes the precise, true note, pure and clear and holds that note until all instruments resound to its perfect pitch.

If the instruments (individual you/me/microcosm) are not tuned, the Symphony (macrocosm) can only perform a cacaphony.  In tuning, the false notes are played, the lies are exposed and harmony is re-established as all instruments play in the same pitch.  The Symphony now gives a Perfect Melody of Joy and sorrow, one as beautiful as the other.  Instrument in tune, one tastes the sorrow's sweetness and knows there is no evil.  Inside is outside and outside is inside...in unison we sing the One-der (wonder ) and Glory of Love as the One and Only Son(g) of God made tangible in the brotherhood of man.  Nothing is changed yet everything is changed.  We could say conversely that everything is changed but noting is changed..but our world is New.

We are the Awareness, God's Awareness before aware of Itself playing that Melody of Love.  God could not know or examine Itself other than through/as this One right here.  We are the "where" and the "when" of the Divine Symphony disclosing itself to itself.  There is noting to do, to change.   The time is NOW to clang the cymbals and shout "Halleluia", I am already IT" and to march on with courage to the best of our very own Heart's drums!  

The Symphony that is one with each and every note frees the Heart to leap for joy and dance to Its own delight or to weep and let the body shake in anguish or despair from every form of loss and to be free to feel good about it.  This is especially important for the dear men on our planet who have been conditioned to be responsible, to be in control, to be tough and rational and logical and full of false pride, men who have been made to feel unworthy if they are humble and trusting and sweet and loving and patient and kind and...

Some are confused, believing that the human can be reformed and made into a better person, that Light makes the human more comfortable, more secure, more spiritual if you will.  That is not it at alL!  Seeing and knowing does not make the mortal more pleasant, more lovable, more giving or more powerful, nor more healthy or wealthy.

If God is One, (and I am that One) Changeless, Immutable, can anything be more than That?  What does it matter if I am supposedly enlightened or not 'enlightened'?  To whom would it matter, to whom would it make a difference?  Could I, would I change the Light or prevent it from being all that It includes?  No, I cannot change the Love of God, nor can I be separate from this One no matter what the world looks like or does...God stays the same no matter what happens and nothing can happen to God.  I am free to carry on and do what I do and it makes no difference.  All the while I know that nothing that is Real is limited or subject to wordly events or circumstances or people or things.

It is somewhat like carrying a pebble in your shoe, a stone of false identity, thinking that there is something else to study, to understand, to acquire or do or be but when we let go the search the stone disappears and the shoe is comfortable again.

The walk takes us to that Place...to the Eye of the storm that we can observe the images and know they can never touch us.  Within the Symphony we are free from trying to be something we are not, we are released into the Experience of Life...Life frees us from the harness of rules and conditions and the dogma, from the need to fit into a mold.  The Symphony is an on-going song of crescendos and variations in tempo...it is Love Ever New!  You are PERFECT just as you are, you cannot be 'less than' or more than the Only One Is!  There is nothing else to search for.  We are One with the Melody of Eternal Love that is All there Is!


Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Child IN US Lives

 From the parents' perspective, from the ordinary way of looking at things, and this is applicable to ALL parents, the same scenario exists.  Unaware of the limited perspective, the parent is looking for the child to love him, and why not?  That's the way it should be.  The parent thinks he has demonstrated every bit of love that the child can expect from him and he has, to the best of his ability.  Now, damit he expects something in return.  How about a little respect?

What the parent might not see is that he too is looking for love from 'out there', but if the child doesn't have it and the parent doesn't have it, where is it going to come from?  The parent may be tricked into thinking he has fulfilled all conditions of good parenting but if the child is not responding it is because the Child Heart within that IS LOVE KNOWS only love and the outside doesn't reflect what he knows.  The child finds himself in a strange place, a place of mixed messages, a place of fear, insecurity and no love.  He cannot identify with what he sees and this causes him to be disoriented and confused.  He feels unloved, unvalidated, unsupported because the scene does not coincide with what he knows of Love.  The parent wants something of the child, the parent demands that the child make him feel good (love him) by meeting the parent's expectations, by making him proud, by respecting him, by honoring him...something is demanded of the child in return for something the child did not receive.  So, what's the matter with that kind of love?

This is a difficult and very painful problem for all concerned. It certainly is not from lack of trying, you've put all available resources to the test.  The human attempts at resolution can at best provide an anaesthetic to kill the pain temporarily but since the sore remains festering it will return again.  But perhaps this is here to boost all concerned into a higher view of things. 

 To me it is a problem that cannot be resolved on the level of the problem.  The underlying Fact of this life form is the visible scene but it will only be resolved at Source.  The underlying Fact of this life form is Love.  The antecedant is Love.  At source, we are Light, Love.  We cannot see it because we ARE it, just like we cannot see ourself but only a reflection of ourself in the mirror and we are like the cat fighting its reflection in that mirror.  We are like the donkey chasing its tail.  We are dealing with a shadow, with a love that is limited, that is contained and conditional whereas the Essence, the original Love is pure, infinite, unlimited, free as the breeze because when we find it it is right here where I am, and it is everywhere present, therefore we do not, cannot go anywhere to get it.

We have it all backwards, we HAVE it, therefore it is about giving it but we're trying to 'get it' from 'out there' instead of letting it flow from within.  When we find it within, in the Child Heart we discover that giving is receiving as we see it flowing back to us naturally.  That is why, in the bible when  the widow was asked to give something of what she had in her house she gave a drop of her cruise of oil...to get the flow activated.  

The world is already perfect, we just need to SEE it.  The strength, power, dignity, intelligence, creativity, insight and courage of us is the Child Heart, the wise loving one, the original genuine one and it is already Being.  This is the love that never leaves you and when you find it, you KNOW how to give it and your child receives it, recognizes it, thrives by it and lives in Peace.  It is the parent's job to find the Love-Light of Wisdom and  Goodness.  This is the Love that is reflected to his offspring.  The child then says 'aha, this is it, I am safe here.  I am secure, I am at Home.  Love is what I Am and it is passed on to the next generation as it flows its natural course infinitely.

It can be an arduous task for the adult, the parent who did not find love reflected from his parents to find the Child Heart of himself but the  cycles of 'not love', of trying to get it from others cannot be broken any other way.

Shakespeare says of this world that it is a stage and all of us are actors in it. Wise observation.  On the stage of life, the visible scene now looks like so:  it is the parent's job to be in "that place of Perfect Love' that can reflect nothing but love, Eternal Light, Everlasting Joy, Immutable, Immortal Love that comes from within.  How much more secure can we be, if we are IT, it cannot but follow us everywhere we go and when we know
that we are it, It cannot but follow us everywhere we go.

  And it works this way because the world is myself. It is myself I see reflected in the world.

Years ago I published a little booklet titled "The Little Love Light", an exercise that I did with my grandchildren at bedtime.  It illustrates where Love comes from and that there is no place that Love is NOT.  It is available through Pay Pal. 

Note:  Had I had the means to record on a disk it would have been more effective but it is not difficult to follow and one can use their own imagination to personalize it for themselves.

Blessings and Love,

Rose Burrows