Saturday, June 20, 2015

Becoming a Child Again

"Unless you turn and become like a child,
 you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
 Whoever humbles himself like this child 
is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

So, how does the adult become a child again?

Like the lily in the field that does not spin or toil for its survival, the newborn child is totally dependant on his/her parents. S/he does not worry about where the next meal will come from or how s/he will be clothed.  If the child gets into trouble the immediate reaction is to run home to mom/dad.  S/he holds back the tears until s/he is in view of the parent and then starts crying with all his/her might.  It is such a relief to let go of the worries!  S/he knows that her parents love him/her and trusts them implicitly.

The primary requirement to become a child again is trust.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and mind and soul
And lean not 
on your own understanding."

It is John and Maggie's little girl that is lonely, that is tortured, that is desperate and does not seem to find the answer to her problems.
When you were a little girl and ran into trouble; if you were sick or frightened you instinctively ran to safety in your parents' arms.  You become the Child again as you follow your Heart and trust your heavenly Father to lead and guide and inspire and protect you from all harm.

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