Friday, October 28, 2016


Wm. Samuel

Love is God in man.
Love answers. 
Honest, gentle, sweet everyday love is the healing balm of day-to-day encounters
the remedy for all ills.
Love is light in dark places; love is warmth that soothes pain,
the Presence that stills the anxious, fearful heart.  
Love is the tension breaker, the matchmaker.  
Love is forgiveness, understanding, helpfulness and sharing. 
Love is the smile that lifts depression, depletes oppression, disarms aggression. 
Love is energy for the weary, joy for the dreary, reassurance for the leery.  
Love is the inspiration that moves the brush, the pen, the pencil-to-thoughts of
beauty, hope and courage.  
Love is the vision that sees and knows beyond the mundane, crass and craggy
to the shores of bounty, harmony and limitless good. 
Love is the signal that lifts the heart, lightens the eye, and sweetens the lips.  
Love is strength and confidence, encouragement and assurance. 
Love recognizes good. 
Love is eloquence, grace and humility, freedom, success and ability.
Love is the setting for jewels in the sky, the radiance on high, the grassy knoll near-by. 
Love is laughter, heart to heart and eye-to-eye.  
Love is listening, understanding and patience.  
Love is gladness for another's good, sorrow at another's pain. 
Love is warmth, comfort and sustaining strength. 
Love is the multiplier of good, the diminisher of evil. 
Love sees love and widens all boundaries. 
Love neutralizes bitterness, melts hatred, makes friends. 
Love is the greatest story ever told, the greatest power ever known,
the greatest light ever seen. 
Love is life and banishes dying.  
Love is generous and kind,open-faced and childlike.  
Love is trusting, guiltless and innocent. 
Love is grandeur, loftiness and near at hand. 
Love is heaven in earth; the answer to questions.  
Love is God in man.


  Living in the Moment
 by: Rose Burrows
 An elderly aunt, in the process of preparing tea for her favorite niece, hums along gaily.  Spontaneously, she stops in her tracks, and with a perplexed look about her, she proclaims: "I'm so happy..."  She pauses again and shaking her head in bewilderment she muses: "I don't know why..."  She picks up the tune where she had interrupted it and goes merrily about her business. To her own amazement, she sees her joy is not beholden unto anything outside of her own precious heart.  Her joy was not triggered by events or people or things, it burst out magically from within herself.   In this very moment, right here, right this instant, she is identifying with the joy, she is the joy. Can anyone add anything to make her Joy more complete?   No, and neither can anyone take it away from her.

             Suppose a storm blows in from the north and now she feels pain or fear or anger or self-pity, or resentment...some form of discontent, what went wrong? Is her peace threatened, is she then vulnerable, does her peace crumble?  It depends totally on her own reactions.  It is time for Aunty to check her love barometer and take her identity pill.
            If she judges the event to be good or bad, emotions will creep in like a thief in the night,  she will identify with the emotion and let the fox steal the grapes.  Whatever she felt, she judged that feeling to be either good or evil.   Having established its rightness or wrongness, she gets into the emotion of it, wallows in it, identifies with it. The emotion is a result of the judgment. Now, she cannot feel peaceful because she has disallowed the feeling and the emotion has taken over. 
            She does not have to change or reform herself, to eliminate her imperfections and become a better person, or to get rid of hassles or live a particular lifestyle or religion to live peacefully in this world.   No, that would be denying or avoiding herself.  She/you are perfect this very moment, she is perfect with her imperfections and so are you.  We are not speaking of good humanhood, she is not required to try to make herself more of this or something less than that.  She can begin right here, right now where she is and be at peace with the feeling, be at peace with the pain or with the fear, et al and know that there is no power in it.  It isn't necessary to be in a quiet place, we are talking about the peace that comes when you are free from struggle and you are quiet within. You can be at peace on the battlefield, right there in the front lines.  Acknowledge your feeling without judgement and peace will be quickly restored.  Nothing is outside of peace, peace is in everything, peace is everything.
          Does this mean we are doomed to be doormats?  Not at all.  You can throw someone out of your house, just never throw them out of your heart...check your love barometer...take your identity pill...  If you take someone to court for the sake of vengeance, you are stabbing yourself in the heart, if you do it for a different motive and are not attached to the outcome, your peace is not disturbed.  If they ask for your shirt, give them your coat also.  You will be amazed at the miracles that happen when you are true to the peace and joy that is already established in your heart.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Follow Your Bliss

by Rose Burrows 
The words "follow your bliss", often 

associated with Joseph Campbell, can be 

used interchangeably with "listen to your

Heart", or "turn within", and they are to 

the Heart as honey is to the bee, they are 

like dew drops shimmering on rose 

petals.  Why?  Because heaven is right 

now where you are and what is heaven

 but an exquisitely blissful peace and 

gratitude that resides eternally in the 

Heart of All.  Love in our heart and 

peace in our soul is our divine 

inheritance. not to be earned,

it is free for the taking.  

       If your worldly inheritance is 

deposited into your bank account, it is 

of no consequence to you if you are not

aware of it or if you do not accept it

.  The only requirement to access the 

funds from the bank is proof of your

 identification. However, these 

conditions satisfied, you may still live 

in   poverty if you wish, your inheritance

will be of no benefit to you if you do 

not utilize the funds.

      Likewise for your heavenly treasure, 

recognition, acceptance, identification 

and continually drinking from the 

Eternal Fountain is to 'follow your 

bliss'.  Living  your Identity is bliss, is 

peace and harmony and love and joy and 


     If you are disturbed, if you find 

yourself less than peaceful in your  


it is you who are disturbing the flow.  

How?  Your false identification 

disentitles you, it dams up, it interrupts 

 the flow from the Fountain just as 

surely as presenting false I.D. or no I.D. 

at the bank would disentitle you of your 

bank account.

     Identification is the Key to 

Happiness. Let it be the pill that you 

carry in your pocket, the pill that is the 

remedy to all that ails you.  It need not 

be complicated, it is not required that 

one understand the metaphysics. The 

Child Heart you are is pure, innocent 

simplicity living the Joy and Wonder 

and Glory that is Its divine inheritance 

right here and where you are now.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

                 by: William Samuel
In this great dance, giver and receiver are one. We suddenly realize how little it matters which of the two roles one happens to play at a given time. Beyond time, our true self rests in itself in perfect stillness. Within time, this is realized by a graceful give-and-take in the dance of life. As in a fast spinning top, the stillness and the dance are one. Only in that oneness is true self-sufficiency.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Lest we forget
Plain Simple Love
by Marrion Pratt

Love answers.  Honest, gentle sweet everyday love is the healing balm of day-to-day encounters; the remedy for all ills.  Love is light in dark places; love is warmth that soothes pain, the Presence that still the anxious, fearful heart.  Love is the tension breaker, the match-maker.  Love is forgiveness, understanding, helpfulness and sharing.  Love is the smile that lifts a depression, depletes oppression, disarms aggression.  Love is energy for the wary, joy for the dreary, reassurance for the leery.  Love is the inspiration that loves the brush, the pen, the pencil to thoughts of beauty, hope and courage.  Love is the vision that sees and knows beyond the mundane,crass and craggy to the shores of bounty, harmony and limitless good.  Love is the signal that lifts the heart, lightens the eye, and sweetens the lips.  Love is strength and confidence, encouragement and assurance.  Love recognizes good.  Love is eloquence, grace and humility, freedom, success and ability.  Love is the setting for jewels in the sky, the radiance on high, the grassy knoll nearby.  Love is laughter heart to heart and eye to eye.  Love is listening, understanding and patience.  Love is gladness for another's good, sorrow at another's pain.  Love is warmth, comfort and sustaining strenngth.  Love is the multiplier of good, the diminisher of evil.  Love sees love and sgtrength.  Love sees love and widens all boundaries.  Love neutralizes bitterness, melts hatred, makes friends.  Love is the greatest story ever told, the greatest power ever known, the greatest light ever seen.  Love is life and banishes dying.  Love is generous and kind, open-faced and childlike.  Love is trusting, guiltless and innocent.  Love is grandeur, loftiness and near at hand.  Love is heaven in earth, the answer to questions.  love is God in man.


Monday, October 10, 2016

La Vie


La vie terrestre :

une étape de l'éternité

  Nous ne pouvons qu’admettre que 

nous ne venons pas a la vie sans baggages. Chaque etre humain voyant le jour herite bien sur d’un bagage Nous ne pouvons qu'admettre que nous ne venons pas à la vie sans bagages. Chaque être humain voyant le jour hérite bien sûr d'un bagage génétique, mais aussi et surtout d'un bagage qui lui est propre, contenant toutes ses richesses, ses expériences et blessures personnelles cumulées avant sa naissance. La question m'importe peu de savoir si nous ne faisons qu'un passage sur terre, ou si nous expérimentons de multiples vies, mais il est évident pour moi qu'il y a un avant, et un après. En fait, il y a un toujours, bien au delà de notre concept terrestre du temps. Rien de notre essence ne peut mourir. J'existe, bien au delà de ma vie présente. Et moins je m'identifie à la forme qui passe, plus j'existe intensément, intemporellement, au delà de tout ce qui peut m'arriver. Ce parfum d'éternité, cette béatitude, cette sensation profonde d'avoir toujours existé m'emplissent alors d'une paix incommensurable : la vie ne fait que se transformer, elle se métamorphose, mais ne meurt jamais.

                 (auteur inconnu)

La vie terrestre : 

une étape de l'éternité

Nous ne pouvons qu'admettre que nous ne venons pas à la vie sans bagages. Chaque être humain voyant le jour hérite bien sûr d'un bagage génétique, mais aussi et surtout d'un bagage qui lui est propre, contenant toutes ses richesses, ses expériences et blessures personnelles cumulées avant sa naissance. La question m'importe peu de savoir si nous ne faisons qu'un passage sur terre, ou si nous expérimentons de multiples vies, mais il est évident pour moi qu'il y a un avant, et un après. En fait, il y a un toujours, bien au delà de notre concept terrestre du temps. Rien de notre essence ne peut mourir. J'existe, bien au delà de ma vie présente. Et moins je m'identifie à la forme qui passe, plus j'existe intensément, intemporellement, au delà de tout ce qui peut m'arriver. Ce parfum d'éternité, cette béatitude, cette sensation profonde d'avoir toujours existé m'emplissent alors d'une paix incommensurable : la vie ne fait que se transformer, elle se métamorphose, mais ne meurt jama

On Love
(Kahlil Gibran)
When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north winds
lays waste the garden.
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he
is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest
branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging
to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become
sacred bread for God's sacred feast.
All these things shall ove do unto you that youmay know the secrets
of your heart, and in tht knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.
But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass
out of love's threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all
your laughter,
and weep, but not all your tears.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Loves possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.
And think not you can direct the course of love, for love,
if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
Love has no other desire fut to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these
be your desires:
** To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody
to the night.
** To know the pain of too much tenderness.
** To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
** And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
** To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks
for another day of loving;
** To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's esctasy;
** To return home at eventide with gratitude;
** And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved
in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

 "Truth is within ourselves;
 it takes no rise
From outward things,
 whate'er you may believe.
There is an inmost centre in us all,
Where truth abides in fulness;
 and around,wall upon wall, 
the gross flesh hems it in,
This perfect, clear perception - which is truth.
A baffling and perverting carnal mesh
Binds it, and makes all error:
 and to KNOW
Rather consists in opening out a way
Whence the imprisoned splendour may escape,
Than in effecting entry for a light
Supposed to be without."

Robert Browning

Sunday, October 2, 2016

More about the church

Dear Jeanette:

After criticizing the church I don’t wish to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’.  I'd like to talk about some church experiences - good and bad..

One cannot deny that there is a feeling of reverence, of something sacred and peace in some of those old grandiose, imposing, palatial cathedrals and churches and even in some of the humble little chapels.  

My very first recollection of  experiencing the Child Heart is when I was I think about 9 years old and in boarding school.  I don’t recall what the particular religious celebration was but it was a day when the nuns kept the host that is deemed to be the living body of Christ ‘exposed’ (I believe was the term used) for 24 hours.  The sisters would take turns at keeping vigil through the night and the boarders were invited to participate.  I got up in the middle of the night and took my turn to go and sit ‘in adoration’ before the host.

In the quiet of the night I entered that little chapel with a veil covering my head and bowed before the holy host.  A deep feeling of peace and tranquillity filled my heart and soul.  Though I didn’t recognize it as such at the time, it was the first whispers from my Child Heart/Soul.  I am grateful to the church for this very special experience. God is every-where.  There is no place that God is not.

Another noteworthy memory is the Christmas  family tradition of going to an empty church together to see the beautiful manger set up at the front of the church and that was left empty during Advent, the baby Jesus figurine appearing in the cradle on Xmas day.  We went together when the church was empty and each of us got to hold the baby Jesus icon.  It was a special family Xmas tradition and it taught me reverence.

So, for whoever feels something in their Heart, I say follow your Heart but do not be brain-washed into thinking that the authority is theirs.   Do not be tricked into selling your soul ‘to the company store’!  The wisdom is in YOUR HEART!  The Heart does NOT need rules, let alone commandments or dogma. 

I also got my first wake-up call when I  was a young child.  I was in a children’s hospital (guess what?)  yes, having surgery on my leg.  I stayed there for about three months. (a long lonely stay at that period in my life).  I was bed ridden and on Sundays those who weren’t mobile had their beds rolled into a large ward for a Sunday service.

So there I was on a Sunday morning singing “Jesus loves me” with those poor little unfortunate souls that were going to hell.  The parish priest walked in in the middle of the service and had me removed since it was not an RC service.

Well, that set my young heart and mind in a tizzy!  What the heck was wrong with singing Jesus Loves me?  I couldn’t believe anyone would burn in hell for singing  Jesus Loves Me!  I think that is where my spiritual journey began!

One has to discern for themselves what is in their Heart.  That is where it all begins and that is where it all ends. 

God is everywhere.  There is no place that God is not.  So,  DO FOLLOW YOUR HEART!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

First Steps

First Steps

When I first discovered William Samuel's message I knew it was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  I must say however that for me there were some stumbling blocks over old beliefs that I was never allowed to question, religious beliefs that I was indoctrinated with.  Though I DID question a lot of it I was shocked when I read that Jesus was not, literally, the one and only Son of God...third person of the Trinity.  To me, that was blasphemy!  I felt disappointed, let down and wasn't about to sell my soul "to the company store!"  

Bless his soul, William Samuel did not leave me hanging with this statement.  

 Here is what he had to say about that:

"I am not throwing "Christianity" out as such. But I AM certainly reinterpreting it in the light of the deep heartfelt and growing intuition I have that Jesus of Nazareth was not the "only" son of God that dies for our sins, but was a Jewish mystic, an ordinary man who had an extraordinary awakening to his own true nature.  I think he clearly saw the non-separation of God, himself, all people and animals and the whole universe and even the cosmos and everything in it.  But my deepest sense is that he saw himself as just like us, our brother, not our ruler.  He is for me an exemplar, not a pedestal dweller that we can keep comfortably above us to worship rather than beside us to walk the journey with.

My sense more and more is that he came to tell us that we are ALL ONE in the "Christ", the annointed one, the cherished one, the dearly beloved son and daughter of God.  We are ALL that Reality of Universal Christ-Consciousness.  That consciousness is the essence that is inherent in each of us.

One of the words he used the most in his teachings, that preceded almost every teaching he gave, was the imperative, "LOOK".  He seemed to often say, "Look!  Behold!  The kingdom of God is like...." Then he would proceed to tell a story, give an analogy, make a comparison from some everyday, ordinary example.  I model my own teaching method on his in that respect because he is first and foremost my Sat-guru, my "ground" or primary teacher.

Like him, I want to de-mystify and make accessible, the "kingdom of God" that dwells already in our deepest heart of heart...and that has been there all along! "
It took a while to get comfortable with this information.  William Samuel does not make statements that one cannot test and prove for themselves. 

I did work with it and and I tested it for myself.  I am so happy to say that I would never have published these words had I not confirmed them for myself.