Dear Jeanette:
After criticizing the church I don’t wish to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’. I'd like to talk about some church experiences - good and bad..
One cannot deny that there is a feeling of reverence, of something sacred and peace in some of those old grandiose, imposing, palatial cathedrals and churches and even in some of the humble little chapels.
My very first recollection of experiencing the Child Heart is when I was I think about 9 years old and in boarding school. I don’t recall what the particular religious celebration was but it was a day when the nuns kept the host that is deemed to be the living body of Christ ‘exposed’ (I believe was the term used) for 24 hours. The sisters would take turns at keeping vigil through the night and the boarders were invited to participate. I got up in the middle of the night and took my turn to go and sit ‘in adoration’ before the host.
In the quiet of the night I entered that little chapel with a veil covering my head and bowed before the holy host. A deep feeling of peace and tranquillity filled my heart and soul. Though I didn’t recognize it as such at the time, it was the first whispers from my Child Heart/Soul. I am grateful to the church for this very special experience. God is every-where. There is no place that God is not.
Another noteworthy memory is the Christmas family tradition of going to an empty church together to see the beautiful manger set up at the front of the church and that was left empty during Advent, the baby Jesus figurine appearing in the cradle on Xmas day. We went together when the church was empty and each of us got to hold the baby Jesus icon. It was a special family Xmas tradition and it taught me reverence.
So, for whoever feels something in their Heart, I say follow your Heart but do not be brain-washed into thinking that the authority is theirs. Do not be tricked into selling your soul ‘to the company store’! The wisdom is in YOUR HEART! The Heart does NOT need rules, let alone commandments or dogma.
I also got my first wake-up call when I was a young child. I was in a children’s hospital (guess what?) yes, having surgery on my leg. I stayed there for about three months. (a long lonely stay at that period in my life). I was bed ridden and on Sundays those who weren’t mobile had their beds rolled into a large ward for a Sunday service.
So there I was on a Sunday morning singing “Jesus loves me” with those poor little unfortunate souls that were going to hell. The parish priest walked in in the middle of the service and had me removed since it was not an RC service.
Well, that set my young heart and mind in a tizzy! What the heck was wrong with singing Jesus Loves me? I couldn’t believe anyone would burn in hell for singing Jesus Loves Me! I think that is where my spiritual journey began!
One has to discern for themselves what is in their Heart. That is where it all begins and that is where it all ends.
God is everywhere. There is no place that God is not. So, DO FOLLOW YOUR HEART!
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