Friday, April 14, 2017

Love Letters from North Montgomery Street - Spring 2002
by: Sandy Jones

It is easy to love what we love.  However, it is the things we do not love that need to be loved.  I have found my way out of many 'difficult circumstances' through the power of love.  I know it works.  loving our life when it is all rosy and peaches n'dream...that is good, that is grand, we would always live in gratitude for the good things.  But, we must, even more so, live in gratitude and love when situations seem to threaten us.  Those are the times when working with our attitude, our inner soul, Child Self, is most essential.  We can change the scene by changing our attitude.  Love really does conquer all things.  We can change the scene by changing our attitude.  Love really does conquer all things that appear 'out to get us'.  Honest It does.  I have seen it work many times in my life.  One must try love, even if you think you cannot do it.  If you can't find a place to start, then start here.  "Well, I sure love me for even trying to love my way out of this.  I sure love my courage, my devotion to God and my grace.  I love the deep integrity of my heart that leads me and speaks to me of love as an option."  The voice is God and praise God we hear this voice.  Can you love it all, no matter what it appears to be?  Yes!  Love it all because deep in your soul you know, from the bottom of your heart, as naive or as silly as it may sound, you know love will fix it all, love is the answer.  We decide to love .  It is our choice which attitude we use to negotiate our lives.  Our attitude is what shapes our world.  Our attitude is what we can choose, even if we cannot chose our circumstances.  The Power is most certainly within each of us.

Our attitude is a vibration, it is an energy, and we can align ourselves with love and light at its highest vibration or we can be of lesser character and allow the low vibrations to envelope us.  We hold the power of choice.

As you change your energy through gratitude for all things, just the way they you change your attitude to one of love for life just the way it is, good and bad situations alike, then you will see your world change as you left your own sight.  The sights you witness become filled with light and love  Miracles do happen.

Our study is not one of intellectual meta-
physics.  All the words we read should bring us back to the peace that everything is all right just the way it is. A rejoicing heart is the answer, not a complex erudite, rote understanding of words.  Words won't help in our time of need  What does help is the real work that is 'asked of us, that we assert our heart, the heart that is tenderly true to God and to Its Self, our heart that can muster the strength and bravery to choose the attitude of love.

During the hard times these are the times when love needs to be used, when love needs to be put into action, acted on and lived.

Now we see the power is here within us.  Live an attitude of love, even with all the commotion, uneasiness, difficulties.  Choose love, and love works, it is most powerful.

With Bouquets of Sunshine and Tulips,

Love, Sandy Jones


Thank you so much Sandy Jones.  I was so amazed to come across this, like a sweet delicacy to soothe the soul.  The Child Heart whispering its delicate treats in the ear of those who will but listen!  1982 ...fancy that!

Rose Burrows

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