Tuesday, January 31, 2017



  William Samuel

Light dawns on wings of angels.  This morning the angels sing of "Not Guilty" as the mysteries of alcoholism are revealed!

Childish is the delineation of childlike and the alcoholic is the childish one who never grew up.  He didn't want to be an adult, he did not want to take on the responsibilities of the adult because his heart knows that is not his role.  He is the Child and he wants to be the Child who doesn't have a care in the world.  He drinks to kill the pain of separation from his Child Heart.  The booze gives him a false sense of freedom as is observable by his irresponsible behavior.  The alcohol-induced sense of freedom is like the tree's shadow that struggles and strives daily for its survival.  It is the shadow that leads to the tree.  The booze sedates him and for some time he feels even nearer to this Child Heart but he's afraid of losing it because, since what he feels is artificial, it will pass...so he keeps on drinking to try to hold on to it but only drinks himself into oblivion with the excesses.

Alcoholism is rooted in the tree of good and evil and is laden with the pairs of opposites. The husband and wife in this drama are the two that are one, there is a perpetrator and a victim and one cannot operate without the other.  How can there be a perpetrator without a victim or a victim without a perpetrator, yet each one is responsible for his own drama.  One can hide under the guise of victim.  It gets him/her a lot of sympathy and attention, he/she can hold center stage...s/he is so innocent and his/her life would be just so wonderful if only s/he would quit drinking and make him/her feel good...Typically, the victim of the alcoholic's stubborn attitude wants so desperately to hang on to his victim role...s/he is not comfortable standing on his/her own two feet and taking charge and responsibility for his/her own life.  It's an easy way out to blame his/her partner...saves him/her from having to look at his/her own bucket of crap, clever way to be deceitful, to have his cake and eat it too. Each is a master at distortion and can turn the clearest picture into a caricature (which it is in the first place!)    It is childish making childlike plain.


In an 'enlightened' world, the parent's role is to KNOW the Child and to love the Child but if that parent does not know his/her own Heart then s/he cannot be a parent because s/he is looking 'out there', in the world of many to be loved...not to love but to BE loved.  If the parent doesn't know s/he IS already IT then the parent doesn't have it and the child doesn't have it and everyone is looking to everyone else for love...She looks to the child and the child looks to her...where the heck is it going to come from?  The alcoholic is the child who didn't grow up because, his parents have not discovered their own child heart.  The circle continues until one is brave enough to go through the adult stage because that is where he will find that he not only knows but he will know that he knows his own Heart, his Real Identity, the One and Only Love that Is.  This is the process and we are the process.  It is much less painful to go through the pain of adulthood, of opening the heart and finding the child than to live in an endless circle of lies.


I don't see any way around it, do you?


Peace comes when the visible world reconciles the pairs of opposites, when we see them as the two that are one.  And finally, the tangible world is the means by which the intangible One is made plain.  The childish adult is what makes the innocent, joyful Child visible and clear upon the tables.  And so I thank the childish alcoholic, I thank the drunk for getting down to the pits of hell of guilt and worthlessness, to be so helpless that I see by contrast the power and Reality of Beautiful Eternal One, Love and Beauty and Wonder of Joy and Peace.  And now I don't need him anymore and call him/her by his/her new name.  Oh, Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, there is no guilty one. 

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