Tuesday, March 7, 2017



William Samuel

QUESTION: What is meant by meditation, practicing
the silence,” and what is its importance?

ANSWER: Many things we read and study, 

many philosophies and teachers of the tell of 

the wonders of meditation and of the benefits 

to be reaped from “practicing the silence”. 

Throughout history we have heard the many 

admonitions to “take no thought”, to enter 

into the silence, to meditate in quietness and 

to “be still and know.” Judging from the letters 

I receive and from the comments of those with 

whom I talk about this matter, many feel that 

they have failed and feel guilty because they 

find themselves unable to “exclude thoughts 

from consciousness.” Many say to me, “To 

take no thought means that I am to become a 

mindless blank—a vacuum! How in the world 

can I stop thinking?”

Understand this: Even thought to “stop 

thinking as a personal thinker” (as a possessor 

of Life) appears mandatory, nonetheless it is 

effortless! And it does not mean that we must 

become a mental blank. Not at all!

A story has been written that will make this 

clear. It is about a prince who was raised as a 

poor woodcutter, unmindful of his kingly 

identity. For many years, the prince labored 

and toiled, felling the huge oaks of the forest 

one after another, cutting them into kindling 

to see at the market place. Despite the 

magnitude of the toil, he was barely able to 

provide for his family. The fervent prayers that 

came forth from his agony went unanswered. 

Then one day, in the midst of a great despair 

over his hopeless situation, the lost prince 

was found by his father, the king, who told 

him of his royal identity and kingly heritage. 

simply beyond his comprehension. But then he 

was taken up into a high mountain by the king 

and shown the entire kingdom that was his 

very own.

There, on the mountain top his heart 

whispered, “It is so!” and finally the prince 

believed. With this, he received the mantle 

and sceptre and was told to commence his 

reign. Then, in great relief, he threw down the 

heavy axe and shouted aloud: “It is true! It is 



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