Wednesday, November 23, 2016

by:  William Samuel

The corrupting power that a personal following represents can be the bane of the metaphysician who uses that as the measure of his success. The real measure lies in living God’s Allness as the only Fact of being. The “following” this appears to produce is not likely to be large, but those who find it are the “one in a thousand, two in ten thousand”. They are the elect, the chosen of God “whom He hath given us,” and we are given us,” and we are given all that is necessary. These are the ones who will become the world’s grand pillars of strength. And they will each, in turn, be given theirs, and theirs, theirs, all Self-images included in this Awareness I-Identity is.

As appearances go in the world, storm clouds are gathering soon to rage across the land and around the earth- clouds of violence and fear. More than ever before it will appear incumbent upon us to be the calm and tranquility the world so longs to find. We can do it because we are it.

That is, God is the Comforter as the unbound Identity-we-are. Ours will be the joy of taking no sides in the struggle and thereby remaining untouched—the pristine mark that “others” may see, attain, and find themselves. This makes us “peacemakers”, doesn’t it?


The practice of Being “one-Self” is an experience very much akin to the little roadside buttercup that blooms along the country pathways here. It just “be’s” itself and blooms; then each season it looks out on an ever-growing circle of Itself. That’s what we do. We just “be’s” who and what we be—with neither regard nor regret for approval or disapproval.

Ah, but then we are honest in doing everything this simple “being lets us see what we should do. Most often this is a “telling” of what we have discovered to those who come asking. Mind you, we don’t go out proselyting and beating the bushes for believers. We give our pearls to those who come asking about our Light. They are the only ones who will listen to the Heart’s message anyway. But they will come and we will be faithful to them because “the Father hath sent them to us.” Humanity hears our laughter; angels direct the traffic.

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