Saturday, March 18, 2017

A talk by William Samuel

In our previous talks together we've seen how the mystics of all ages have spoken out from a self-realized solipsism.  We have seen that
modern science has begun to discover a similar solipsism, a discovery that began with the quantum process and the laws of probably 
verified by the findings of particle physicists as
they sat there at their devtrons and linear accelerators and is now being confirmed, still again, yet again by the accelerators and is now being confirmed, still again, yet again by the astronomers as they see Einstein's predictions coming true for them, watching light bent into black holes around the super mass of collapsars or neutron stars, so dense that a teaspoon of such a mass weights, literally ions of tons.  I have attempted to explain in the preceeding tape that there is a primary difference between the solipsism of the physicist and the mystics but that difference is apparently not yet clearly understood and it is virtually unexamined by the theoretical mathematicians and the particle physicists who most need to do it. Now, the difference is this:  for our present-day scientists the 

Now, the difference is this: for our present-day scientists the predicate upon which they stand now with their new quantum is that the observed matter which they stand now with their new quantum, is that observed matter and the observing are essentially the same process, the same thing.  At least these two are inextricably linked because they are clearly able to see, that is the physicists are, that any alteration to the observing also alters the observed.  All right?  But the But the solipsism of the mystic begins... oh, a quantum leap beyond this. Further along, the mystic... now listen... the mystic links observer to the observing and observed and sees that they are one.

Now, I've had enough conversations with enough scientists and philosophers and experimental mathematicians to know that some of them say that they are already doing just this, and this subtle distinction that I make here is: between the physicist's position at the moment and the mystic's position at the moment, constitutes a subtle semantic game. But please listen, all you scientists. While you may be making this trilogistic linkage, repeating as the mystic often has that the seer, the seeing and the seen are one, it appears that most of you do not yet seem aware that the observer in this trilogy who is linked with the observing and the observe is still what is considered to be the human mind, a personal mind to whom this information is being reported.

Now, listen softly,'the mystic, on the other hand, concludes that the mind which is the instrument of all this process, is not the individual scientist's mind, or the individual mystic's mind, but is the ineffable mind, Godhead Mind, if that isn't too far out. Further, the mystic perceives that the living image appearing as this ego body appearing as the individual scientist or mystic's process happening,'that is, is awareness going on, that this is the tangible appearing of awareness in operation and that this process is Godhead Awareness and not the individually-owned awareness of a particular scientist who is pursuing some field of activity. Now granted, that seems like a very fine distinction and yet the distinction is 180 degrees apart. There is all the difference between those two views as there is difference between the old ideas of what energy is and Einstein's E = MC (squared).

I might add that philosophers have recently given this concept that I have just discussed as the mystic's concept, the rather imposing name of Deific solipism, whereas the former, that which appears as the premise presently used by you scientists, to be called humanistic solipsim.

A member of the British Philosophic Society tells me that "A Guide to Awareness and Tranquillity", after a very careful examination of it by that Society, does in their mind represent the first complete statement of Deific solipsism ever made to their knowledge and it is also, to their knowledge, only the second complete philosophic system presented in this century, the other exentialism only being Sarke's work, which is essentially materialistic, as I understand it, Sarke's work which  don't know much about, apparently has no room for black holes, that is, it has no room for Ineffability or Godhead or to admit that anything lies beyond the limits of the human mind's capability to understand. But now, now comes the mathematicians' discovery of event horizons, comes this discovery of singularities, naked singularities eve of stationary black holes and rotating black holes to make a rather graphic point that there is indeed as now the  physicist can see with his linear accelerator and the astronomer can see with his battery of equipment that there is indeed a limit to our present concept of understanding, that is, where our reason and logic appear to break down, wherein the limits beyond which human sensibility, as they are presently interpreted, cannot pass. The wise man concerned with the microcosm found their event horizon was more than theory, was more than mathematical theory. They found the black hole, the anti-matter that is the antithesis of matter and now the astrophysicists examining the macrocosm have found a great macro even horizon black holes, cosmic barriers, where everything would appear to virtually come to an end, where time reverses and moves in the other way, towards creation rather than disintegration, where time stops, where space ends or where space becomes superspace filled with an infinity of universes surrounding an impenetrable mass of nothingness-nothingness in which somethingness is thrown into a compression leaving absolute nothingness, and yet, which appears tangibly and reasonably and logicaly from this side of the event horizon, like the graveyard of stars, like collapsars, calling for the end of the universe.

Well, how sanguine, how sanguine it must seem to the scientific and philosophic thinkers so proud of their prowess to discover that for the information of 3000 years of study and accumulation of facts, all about a material tangibility, has only brought them ultimately to a voidf nothingness by starting with a flat earth error, starting with a premise that there is a grand me to discover truth, working bottom up, with arms outstretched, looking for truth through the distorting lens of an ego, an intermediary.  Well, they are, as Paul said of the Romans, become vain in their imaginations .And their foolish hearts darkened, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the Incorruptible, Ineffable One and turned it into an image like a corruptible man and creeping thing.

Back in 1905 someone quite unschooled in cosmology announced to the world a new equation, using a new language about energy and life. Here it is something like 74 years later we're still trying to prove it and technology is trying to use the proofs. Now, in 1905, had

computer technology been available it wouldn't have taken this long and in 1917, when the general theory of relativity was announced it wouldn't have taken an additional35 or 40 years before a bomb exploded before the sands of Alamagordo.

Well, a computer technology presently exists that can take the equation, the very simple equation in words that at the present at the beginning of this tape and those who know how to program computers, those who are able to see the very slight change in the mathematical equation between observer, observing, observed and beginning top-down with this process, will find, as I have found, that this very slight shift can be the beginning of answers to every question at the moment, that appears enigmatic and that includes the grand black holes that supposedly. . . supposedly cannot be understood.

What I am trying to say here, as best words will allow me, is what was revealed to me and has been lived and proven for a period of 25 years, and has proven so efficacious and this experience being me, and those who have listened and heard it as well( is presently so close to the particle physicist's comprehension, the astronomer's comprehension and the experimental mathematician's comprehension that they are their famous 'jiftY' away from it and I would ask that they consider and examine and see for themselves if this minute alteration in thinking which,in essence, heralds a new way to think, it heralds a new language, it heralds all things new and they can, with the existing... or you can, with all of the existing technology that's available now, put this to computerized proof and see if some of the enigmas will not become immediately clear.

Friends, I realize that this is self-to-self discourse. I am here now facing my holistic Selfhood, appearing as all tangible life, yet to the e world sounding like a single voice crying in.the wilderness. But I know that this can be understood by that small group who face the same problems I faced in the past, and there stand just their famous 'jiffY' away by making the most minute adjustment in some of their computer programs.

I know that there is a genuine relationship between my so-called past experience of old, getting myself into a position where I had no choice other than to let go the old think and the present position that the world faces wherein, unless the voices crying in the wilderness are listened to and given their opportunity, there will seem to be a cosmic event so binding in its consequences that the world will be forced to adopt a new think, a seminal idea. Yet, I can foresee

that action by that fortuitous group of scientists who are thinking as futurists that the toilsome and deadly aspect of those events can be avoided, can be avoided without the need of a tangible death to force us past the event horizon of joyful living.

I'm convinced that astrophysicists and particle physicists, theoretical mathematicians, those engaged in cosmological studies, origins, black holes, neutrino behavior, working with accelerators, among them will be those who will hear something in this message that will permit a dramatic discovery to take place here in the arena of tangibility where it seems that life is so important to everyone. If this sounds egocentric or egomaniacal or insane, I apologize because what follows might be exactly that to the trained ear that expects reason, logical and supported thoughts.

I realize that the people I'm talking to are busy people, each with enough to read and to listen to keep abreast of their own specialty, not likely to pay very much attention to someone unschooled, unlettered, basically unknowledgeable in their field. You'd much rather be reading a paper by some funded scientist who just finished a multi-million dollar project. This much is certain, as present day sciences upreach, attain ever loftier positions of supposed knowledge, and as technology finds ways to put it to work for mankind and their government, we can be absolutely certain that ignorance is growing a hundredfold faster. You see, according to intellectualism, according to human academe, what one does not know constitutes the degree of his ignorance.

The discoveries made every day merely compound the abysmal stupidity of an intellect void of intellectual fact. So, as this grand explosion of knowledge increases in its proliferating speed in
one direction, so does one's ignorance grow in the other direction. You see, try as one may to keep up with one subject, the very effort only makes certain the speed is plummeted in ignorance in the other direction. So our marvelous discoveries in every area, from radio astronomy, to neutron slicing and genetic engineering, are merely making it all the more impossible for anyone to ever get smart. The explosion of knowledge has created a situation for the university akin, very much akin, to the intellectual black hole, such as the astrophysicists and particle scientists have discovered for themselves. Whatever effort one puts forth nowadays to be knowledgeable only accelerates his fall into the void of ignorance because, while he was learning this in that field, that was being discovered and this that he doesn't know, so low is knowledge, his move toward an insoluble complexity which appears to doom. The academe eventually is being unable ever to instruct anyone across the board and if not in this century, the next, just as the black holes of this tangible universe appear to alter its physical end, if not in this age, in the next, but fortunately-­ fortunately, this construction of complexity produced by science and its technology are not the products of round earth but are the products of old flat think, based on a minute error, a minute premise of sand that needs only the slightest change. The very same computers that are presently so marvelously spinning out one dramatic discovery after another, leading to complexity, can, with the slightest adjustment, be capable of spinning out wonders, wonders quite beyond anything yet dreamed of by the futurists among us.

Like I say, Einstein made that remarkably simple declaration in 1905 that has dramatically altered the course of science's thinking, a statement so simple that 75 years later we've just found our first tangible proofs of his predicted gravity waves. The computer technology, a technology so remarkably accurate that it is able to measure the first jiffy, the big bang, when tangibility was born. Do you know what a jiffy is to an astronomer? Do you know? Well, a jiffy, if you'll believe this, a jiffy is one, one hundred thousand billion billionths of a econd and, in actuality, we are even closer than that to a tangible realization of perfection here and, right now, already, tangibly so.

Now hear this, the metaphysician is forever trying to prove his knowing, his knowledge of the absolute. Exactly the same, the scientist is forever trying to prove his theories to explain what is before his eyes. In both instances, the motion is from tangibility towards intangibility, from the known toward the unknown.

Well, look, what I have discovered for myself is this and it is this theory that will allow this minute alteration in thinking to take place. When I was forced to accept the totality of the absolute, the totality of the ineffable, which, of course, is the simultaneous understanding and letting go of its equal and opposite, the somethingness of me-mind, of ego-mind, of another mind besides the absolute, well, when this happened for me, the motion was turned around. I was no longer forced to prove anything. There was no onus on me to prove my  metaphysical know-how or my scientific observations, I didn't have to prove anything, rather the Ineffable, the Absolute
rushed directly through the event horizon of this Awareness being identity to prove itself It came forth from holistic mind, holistic awareness and burst through into tangible awareness where I could make sense of it.

Granted, when the light came in this direction I didn't always understand the revelation at the moment. I quickly learned to live it as the fact, even when it seemed absurd or nearly impossible to the world, or to the old think of me. I might make this illustration: the old think approach is as one standing, suffering, reaching out in one or two directions, struggling to get to the Ineffable, whether it's a metaphysician or a mystic or a scientist, but the fact is, the fact is

the all-surrounding, the totality of the Ineffable reaches toward the new identity from an infinite number of directions, all pointing towards the center I am, but so long as the ego singularity struggles outward for proof, the inward rushing proof is prevented from jumping through the event horizon between holistic awareness and conscious awareness, that is one simply doesn't become aware of the much wisdom already present subconsciously and he isn't aware at all of the ego sense that prevents it.

All right, so much for what must sound like an almost hysterical pleading to my scientific sense of self to look behind him and see the already. Perhaps it would be interesting for those scholars of you to find that the Valentinians in the very first century spoke of a cosmology that is so remarkably similar as to be astounding. They too spoke of light or of matter as being arrested light or slowed light, light that had been spewed forth from an orifice in heaven from which all tangibility springs and that's a subject that we might talk of later.

Harper's Magazine published this statement: "We are looking for the seminal idea, the objective judgement on the trend of things, that air-clearing outburst of indignation, which will suddenly throw everything about us into a new perspective and which is, likely as not, to come from some individual who sits all by himself, unorganized, unrecognized, unorthodox and unterrified. Oh, Woodsong friends, we have found the seminal idea, it's only now a matter of living it and allowing its proof to present itself as our experience.


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